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References: Outdoor Lighting:
BSA Bautenschutz - Walkway lighting in a housing area.
Walkway lighting in a residential.
The company BSA Building had the job to illuminate the sidewalk of a condominium in an efficient way, however, energy efficient.
For this project, street lights brand KELVIN (LS-001-15M) with a band-like beam shape were used.
CKS Express - Parking lot lighting of NORMA shopping mart.
The company CKS Services was commissioned to illuminate a parking lot of a Norma market in Berlin.
To this end, we delivered four power washlights "MIG" in 250 watt metal halide technology with asymmetric beam shape.
Evangelische Gemeinde Kahl am Main church - Coloured facade lighting of the church front.
The entrance area of the protestant Church of the community Kahl am Main will be redesigned. For this purpose, GEO-Technik has been commissioned to carry out a "sample illumination."
In addition to the decorative elements was energy economisation and longevity of the lamps in the foreground.
St. Michaelskirche - Accent lighting of the church
Outdoor Lighting of St. Michael Church.
The gun club of the community Selfkant-Hillensberg donated the complete new lighting system for the church.
Openend during the 100th Shooting matches. Initiator of this action was Heinz Loehr.
The facility will allow the church always shine on special feast days.
The plant consisted of 2 power floodlights "Blacky" in 250 watt metal halide technology (LA-1221-2M) and 10 in-ground luminaires HQI technology (LB 32M07).
Hotel Wennhof - moody and eye-catching facade lighting.
The hotel Wennhof asked us to design and supply an outdoor lighting.
The roof area was contoured by durable LED tubelights to attract the hotel from the highway passinf beside.
The facade should be set in a friendly and inviting scene.
Next to the beer garden with decorative illumination and the entrance has been equipped with illuminated advertising signs.
The focus was on energy-saving technology, and that the light shines either in the hotel window, nor disturbs the neighborhood.
Tropfsteinhöhle Schulerloch - Natural cave lighting for show events.
The cave Schulerloch Essing has been equipped by us with several lens projectors, as well as various metal halide spots.
During summertime are presented demonstrations and performances in the exciting cave.
Jockgrim, Germany - Pathway Lighting with LED Solar Lanterns
In the community Jockgrim, on the stairway to the "Haggaerten" have been always deliberately destroyed the path lights.
Mr. H. Gurlin has planned the use of particularly robust solar street lights. Due to the particularly low cost solar pole lights classical design from GEO-Technik, the community spended low costs, and there are now available at no more electricity cost.
Since summer 2012, the new lamps illuminate the way to make it safer and looking decorative.
(Solar Luminaire Classic LT SOLAR06)
MTV Lebanon in Beirut - Lighting of the parking lot with solar lights
MTV in Beirut, Lebanon - lighting of the large parking area with solar street lights
Street Lighting:
Solar street lighting in Grosskrotzenburg am Main, near Frankfurt
Solar lighting for the bike lane.
LED street lights in Kahl am Main,
Old streetlights with 2 * 40W fluorescent lamps have been replaced by 60 watt LED lamps. The illumination is much more uniform and brighter.
Solar lights in Grosskrotzenburg at the Camping lake.
Attractive Lanterns on the access road to the clubhouses.
Solar illumination of a park-and-ride space in Herborn.
Autarkic lighting in summer and winter by hybrid technology with wind power and solar power.
solar lights at a commuter parking lot at 35630 Ehringhausen / Hassia.
Reliable lighting throughout the year by solar street lights.
133 Solar Lights on a small road in Kuwait
With over 130 decorative solar street lights an access road in a residential area is illuminated at night.
The design is very robust and designed for high ambient temperatures in Kuwait.
Various solar lights, you can see in our section
Solar Street Lamps
or visit the solar park lights
Stage Lighting:
Exhibition building:
WKM - Planning and design of the BIGDRUM booth.
WTT Fördertechnik - Booth for presentation.
Hengsberger Cooperating - Aluminium Trussing as large sign board frame.
E.ON power station Staudinger - Lighting of a power turbine during revision works from a crane bridge.
Cetecom- Emission and light distribtion measurements.
Shop and fair:
IMAX Cinema Berlin - Lighting of the Lobby and shopping area.
ModeShop CircleFashion - New setup of 2 boutiques.
Outdoor marketing:
Art of Print - Illumination of a promotion banner.
Deutsche Immobilien - Lighting of a promotion banner.
To customers specification:
Aluminium truss bed frame for a water bed.
Bolard light fixture in a special colour design.
References fire brigade, police, rescue by GEO-Technik
Freiwillige Feuerwehr Eisenerz - Special production of a very high power searchlight for the mountain rescue and fire brigade in Austria.
Lighting references for gastronomic, hotel, restaurant, bar by GEO-Technik, hotel-lighting.
References industrial lighting and lights for business, office and shop by GEO-Technik.
Industrial lighting, lights for bakery, butcher, storing hall, assembling hall, factory, craft and trade, carpenter, garage, DIY market, grocery store
Outdoor marketing, sign board lighting by GEO-Technik.